Why Should You improve Your Vocabulary?

A variety of vocabulary for different social environments

You Will Have Never Thought That Knowing and Understanding the Importance Of Vocabulary Could Be So Beneficial to Improving your Communication Skills. We all can communicta effectively to a certain degreee. However, everyone we meet has their own unique vocabulary and in order to have efficient communication we must learn to use a variety of  vocabulary in different social environments.


Vocabulary is all about the words we know, understand and use to: 

  • Communicate
  • Navigate the Social Environment
  • Understand what we Read
  • Speak more Clearly and Expressively
  • Listen and Understand
  • Write Effectively

There are times when other poeple use vocabulary that you do not understand. This can happen when you:

  • Move to a different area or location
  • Visit a foreign nation
  • Attend a schoool
  • Make new friends
  • Read different books and articles
  • Listen to Music and Podcasts
  • Watch Movies and TV shows

The way you speak to a friend is not the way you would speak to a stranger, the way you speak to a child is not the same way you would speak to an adult, the way you speak in a professional setting is different to how you would speak in a social setting. 

It is therefore necessary that you understand a variety of the same language that you use for a specific purpose in a particular social setting.

Disadvantages of Limited Vocabulary

  • Poor Communication

    You do not express yourself or ideas in a way that others can understand

  • Appear Uneducated

    People may think or assume that you didn’t go to school

  • Low Self-Confidence

    You avoid interactions with others, speaking and writing

  • Low Self Esteem

    You do not value or think highly of yourself

  • Misinterpretations

    You are not able to understand meanings of words, phrases or context

Start Your Journey Today

Beat the crowds and Be ahead of the Game

Now is the time for you to Learn the importance of Understanding Different Vocabulary That you can use in Various social settings

World Statistics

The global literacy rates

  • 773 million illiterate adults around the world

  • 56 Million illiterate Females in the world as of 2018

  • 44 Million illiterate males in the world as of 2018

  • 774 million people – the number of people around the world who can't read

  • Sub-Saharan Africa literacy rate for 2018 was 65.58%

  • East Asia & Pacific literacy rate for 2018 was 95.61%

  • U.S. literacy rate for 2018 was 99.00%

  • U.K. literacy rate for 2018 was 99.00%

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Benefits of Vocabulary

  • More Success

    An improved understanding of vocabulary will create success for you in your business

  • Better Articulation

    Being articulate presents you as someone who is in charge of their thoughts and ideas.

  • Personal Power

    You will feel your personal power increasing through respect, influence and confidence.

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Importance of Vocabulary

  • Improved Reading Comprehension.

    The more words you know and understand the better and improved your reading will be.

  • Effective communication.

    Successful communication is based on a great understanding of vocabulary.

  • Better Language Development.

    A rich vocabulary enables you to think deeply, read more and express yourself better.

  • Greater thinking and ideas

    The larger your vocabulary the easier it is for you to generate new ideas and lines of reasoning.

  • Faster information processing

    The more words you know, the faster and quicker you can input and process information.


  • Define and understand basic, medium and complex words

  • Develop new strategies to enhance reading comprehension

  • Understand different degrees and depths of a word

  • Identify tiers and types of vocabulary

  • Acquire new vocabulary identified from the assigned text

  • Transform your speaking and writing by using your new vocabulary

  • Enhance understanding of new vocabulary by making connections to related ideas and other words

  • Describe unfamiliar words in a writing and determine their meaning using a variety of strategies such as dictionary, search engine, prior knowledge, group discussion

Course curriculum

    1. The Importance of vocabulary

    2. A message from your instructor

    3. How to use this course

    4. Sign Up To The Community for Support

    5. Community Guidelines

    6. Before we begin...

    7. Test Your Vocab

    1. Why You Should Take This Course

    2. What To Do Before We Begin

    3. How To Use a Journal or Notebook

    4. How To Succeed In Online Courses

    5. What are your Goals for this Course?

    6. Miriam Webster Dictionary - For use to find Meanings of words

    7. Test your learning

    1. Intro To The Essence Of Vocabulary

    2. What is Vocabulary

    3. What is vocabulary development?

    4. Disadvantages of Having Little Vocabulary

    5. History of The Word "Vocabulary".

    6. 6 Awesome Definitions of Vocabulary That Will Make You Smile

    7. Degrees Of Vocabulary

    8. Depth Of Vocabulary

    9. Growth Of Vocabulary

    1. Most Spoken Languages in The World

    2. The Most Spoken Languages in the World (1900 - 2020)

    3. List of Dictionaries by Number of Words

    4. How Languages Evolve

    5. Historical Attitudes Towards Language

    6. Languages of Africa

    7. Languages of Asia

    8. Languages of Europe

    9. Languages of North America

    10. Languages of South america

    11. Languages of Oceania

    1. Intro To Definitions Of Basic Terms

    2. Miriam Webster Dictionary

    3. Wonderful Definitions of "WORD" Which Will Widen Your Understanding of Vocabulary

    4. Pleasing Definitions of "PHRASE" Which Will Help You Perfect Your Vocabulary

    5. Genuine Definitions of "GRAMMAR" Which Will Help You Gain More Vocabulary

    6. Definitions of Word, Phrase, Grammar

    7. Splendid Definitions of "SENTENCE" Which Will Help You Spice Up Your Vocabulary

    8. Lovely Definitions of "LANGUAGE" That Will Lift Your Vocabulary Spirit

    9. Simple Definitions of "SPEECH" That Will Speed Up Your Vocabulary Development

    10. SUMMARY of Definitions of Sentence, Language and Speech

    11. Lively Definitions of "LISTEN" That Will Inspire You To Improve Your ocabulary

    12. Wholesome Definitions of "WRITE" Which Will Wake Your Vocabulary Up

    13. Heavenly Definitions of "HEAR" Which will Hasten Your Vocabulary Transformation

    14. SUMMARY of Definitions of Listen, Write and Hear

    15. Ravishing Definitions of "READ" Which Will Raise Your Vocabulary Awareness

    16. Wondrous Definitions of "WORD CLASS" Which will Warm Up your Vocabulary

    17. Authentic Definitions of "ARTICULATE" Which Will Advance Your Vocabulary Knowledge

    18. SUMMARY of Definitions of Read, Word Class and Articulate

    19. Elegant Definitions of "ELOQUENT" Which Will Elevate Your Vocabulary Power

    20. Tantalizing Definitions of "TIER" Which Will Transform Your Vocabulary Development

    21. Fantastic Definitions of "FOCAL" Which Will Fertilise Your Vocabulary Growth

    22. SUMMARY of Definitions of Eloquent, Tier and Focal

    1. Intro To Importance And Benefits Of Vocabulary


    3. Importance of Vocabulary

    4. Improved Reading Comprehension

    5. Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension

    6. Better Language Development and Greater Thinking Ideas

    7. Faster Information Processing and Better Writing Skills

    8. More Success at Work/Business/Goals and a Better Citizen

    9. Top 15 Highest Paid Speakers

About this course

  • $3,997.00
  • 128 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content


  • Life Time Access

    You get FREE lifetime access to the Private Facebook Support Group Worth £997

  • Ebook Downloads

    Downloads Ebooks and documents that you can use and keep for your support

  • Coaching

    You get a Complimentary 30 min Coaching session with the tutor and CEO

Meet Your Tutor

Who am I?

Joshua Jehudah

Joshua Jehudah is the Founder and CEO of Ariyel Academy. Joshua is a Mindset Coach and Entrepreneurs Hire him to help them Transform their lives through Positive thinking, Emotional intelligence and Taking Smart Efficient Actions. Joshua Runs a Book Club where he provides a platform for members and attendees to Speak Up, Improve their Reading and Writing Skills. Joshua also manages a number of Meetup groups that are focused on clear thinking and business.


Follow The Path of Least Resistance

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Your Vocabulary Has Power

Choose Your Words


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